Of course, many things are these days.
When we started planning our website and the timing of its launch, we couldn’t have imagined so many things would be changing at a neck-breaking pace, both locally and globally.
Not too long ago, the sounds of ‘corona’ brought a very different set of feelings. These days, many more things are changing unexpectedly.
Physical distancing? Of course, many Canadians are stay-at-home heroes! Cheers to that; cheers to being responsible, which is a Canuck character worth celebrating.
Fortunately, keeping a safe and responsible distance physically doesn’t mean isolating socially. Lucky for us, connected technologies are helping bring people together, while physical closeness is being minimized.
Someone wise once said, “change is the only constant”.
That seems about right. So here we are, coming out of incubation as planned, and ready to serve all Canadian gunnies from coast to coast via online channels.
We welcome you to CGS magazine, the content arm of Canada’s Gun Store, our online firearms & supplies shop.
While our online presence is new, our hearts and aims are as set as Canada herself.
Cheers to all Canadian gunnies, from Eh to Zed!
Stay safe. Have fun. Shoot responsibly.
See ya around here!