As we prepare to usher in 2022, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year. And what a year it has been for the Canadian gunnie community! This year marked the official launch of Canada’s Gun Store. It was also another great year of good ol’ Canadian gunnie inspiration, culture, and trends.  

Let’s count down the top 5 blogs of 2021 chosen by you, our readers!

5. When each shot counts: Allan Harding’s journey to greatness

Today, Allan Harding’s name is well-known to anyone in the professional shooting circuit. He’s competed in international competitions, is a four-time national champion, and has competed in the Pan Am and Commonwealth Games. But shooting wasn’t always his thing. It took an annoying younger brother’s persistence that set off a chain of events to ultimately produce one of Canada’s greatest shooters.

Learn about Allan’s story from no gun to gold gun

4. 6 Cool guns you can’t buy

A lot of gun culture originates in action films and Hollywood scripts. But most movie magic is fictional — even the guns. So let your imagination run wild. Let’s take a deep dive into the world of fantastic guns that’s don’t actually exist.

Check out 6 fantastic guns you can’t buy

3. 3 Big facts you got wrong about Canadian gun owners

As a law abiding gun owner, you’ve likely heard a few misconceptions and wild exaggerations about your favourite sport. Putting aside political arguments, let’s take a look at what’s fact and fiction about Canadian gun owners. 

Check three facts most people get wrong about Canadian gun owners

2. 5 Surprising health benefits of learning to shoot a gun

Discovering that shooting guns is good for you is like learning your favourite snack food is full of vitamins. Shooting brings together the same mind-body benefits as a yoga class. Even if you don’t say “Namaste” after you’re locked and loaded.

Pay attention to these five surprising health benefits the next time you ring steel

1. 5 Famous Canadian gunnies you need to know

Canada’s shooting history isn’t filled with as many famous (and infamous) gun-slingers as our neighbours to the south. Yet, what Canada may lack in folklore, it makes up for in marksmanship. Canadian shooters have left their mark among the world’s finest military snipers and medal-winners in international competitions. 

From wars to competitions, read about 5 Canadian shooters who made their mark 

A big kudos to the fantastic Canadian firearms community. Thank YOU for inspiring us every single day of the year!

All the best to you and yours, as we fire-off into a brand new year together!

For more Canadian Gunnie culture and gear, be sure to check out CGS Magazine by clicking this link to subscribe.

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